Steam cleaning is a natural way to kill fleas that doesn’t use any toxic chemicals. Professional cleaners and exterminators use steamers as a way to clean houses of flea infestations. They do this because fleas can only withstand certain temperatures and can easily drown. Flea steamers are one of my preferred methods of getting rid […]
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Flea Treatment
Electric Flea Traps
Flea traps are a great way to take out fleas and treat and infestation. You can build traps at home with common household items or you can buy traps depending on the time you have and the quality you want. Electric flea traps are the most common traps. When I use flea traps I prefer to […]
Removing fleas from your car
If you’re someone who loves to take your pet for a ride in the car then you’re probably here because doing that led to fleas in your car. A flea infestation in your car is just as irritating as a flea infestation in your home. In this article I’m going to teach you how to […]
Diatomaceous Earth For Fleas
We’ve all probably heard of Diatomaceous Earth before, but you may not know exactly what it is, what it can be used for, and how to use it. In this article I’m going to answer all of your Diatomaceous earth questions! What is Diatomaceous Earth? Diatomaceous Earth is a fine white powder made from the […]
Flea Information
Do fleas have wings?
Fleas don’t have wings. Instead of having wings fleas have the ability to jump tremendous distances making it seem like they can fly. >>Check out how remove fleas from cars<< Wingless Fleas Fleas are member of the order Siphonaptera. Siphon meaning “tube” in latin and aptera meaning “wingless”. Fleas most likely descended from insects with […]
Flea Bites on Babies – What should I do?
Flea bites are small, irritating, and can drive you crazy! It’s bad enough when you have flea bites on you and your pet, but when there are bites on your baby things seem to get a little bit more personal. If left untreated these bites can cause children and babies unnecessary discomfort and pain. Below […]
How do fleas get in your home?
If you’re on this site then you’ve probably had fleas in your house or have them now. A great way to prevent fleas is by figuring out how they get into your house to cause this infestation. There are a few different reason how they can sneak into your house without you knowing until its […]