Steam cleaning is a natural way to kill fleas that doesn’t use any toxic chemicals. Professional cleaners and exterminators use steamers as a way to clean houses of flea infestations. They do this because fleas can only withstand certain temperatures and can easily drown. Flea steamers are one of my preferred methods of getting rid […]
Featured Article
Flea Treatment
How to treat fleas from human hair
When fleas get hungry enough and can’t find a proper host such as a cat or dog they tend to look for anything close by they can feed on. This means they’re willing to feed on humans. This tends to be a problem because when fleas finish eating they want to lay eggs. While you’re […]
The best flea treatment for dogs
Dogs are mans best friend and a part of our families. It’s terrible to see our dogs itching from flea bites. There are various different ways to treat fleas on cats and dogs. This article will cover some of the basic ways to go about treating the fleas causing your dog so much pain. Flea […]
Diatomaceous Earth For Fleas
We’ve all probably heard of Diatomaceous Earth before, but you may not know exactly what it is, what it can be used for, and how to use it. In this article I’m going to answer all of your Diatomaceous earth questions! What is Diatomaceous Earth? Diatomaceous Earth is a fine white powder made from the […]
Flea Information
Flea Life Cycle
Fleas are terrible to begin with because they come in such large numbers infesting your house and biting you, your family, and pets. They can make your day go from great to sour in such a short time. The worst thing about fleas besides their reproduction rate is their life cycle. They have a fairly […]
Jiggers – What are they and how to treat them
A common question I’m asked is if its possible to have flea eggs under your skin and if so how do I get rid of these eggs. Luckily for us flea eggs under our skin isn’t too common though it does happen. The fleas that burrow into your skin are called Chigoe fleas or better […]
How to get rid of fleas in your bed
Parasites such as fleas make your home uncomfortable and stressful. Fleas can be hide in your sofas, beds, cushioned chairs, cupboards, etc and are not easy to find because of their tiny size. Fleas in your bed can really cause a headache. Its frustrating waking up in the morning covered in fleas and flea bites. […]